Uplifting the Singapore Indian Community.
The Kewalram Chanrai Groupo is an active supporter of The Singapore Indian Development Association (SINDA), a self-help group that works to uplift the SIngapore Indian Community. Sinda's key thrusts are in Education, Family Services and Active Collaboration.
SINDA was formed to raise the academic level of Indian students. In addition to that primary objective, SINDA also offers a range of programmes and services t help families who approach them for various forms of assistance. SINDA assists with the social and economic development of individuals. Youths too benefit from the programmes that are aimedd at mentoring and equipping them with leadership skills.
The core thrust of SINDA is 'Maximising educational opportunities for ALL'. The potential is great for every student in SIngpaore to extend their future capabilities through education and developement.

Managing conservation in Malaysian Palm Oil.
The Malaysian Palm Oil Wildlife Conservation Fund (MPOWCF) was launched with an initial funding of a RM10 million grant from the Malaysian government and RM10 million provided by the palm oil industry. The fund is administered by the Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC), which also has the overall responsibility to manage the various conservation projects funded through MPOWCF.
MPOWCF helps to monitor and provide concrete assurances that palm oil cultivation does not deforestation and loss of wildlife or their habitat through a focused conservation research program undertaken by experts from academia, government agencies and NGOs.
MPOWCF also provides funds for studies on wildlife, biodiversity and environmental conservation while factoring the overall environmental impact of the palm oil industry.

Helping marginalised communities shape their own futures.
Kewalram Chanrai supports Child's Dream's aim to help empower marginalised communities in the Mekong Sub-Region to shape their own futures. They achieve this by working with communities to improve healthcare and education for children and provide socioeconomic opportunities for families.
The vision is for every child in Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand to grow up healthy and receive an education in order to lead a self-determined life and to become a productive and responsible member of society.
Child's Dream believes that the key to sustainable development is to listen carefully and to understand the true needs and interests of communities. Following this bottom-up approach, they discuss together with each community what kind of assistance they can offer. Kewalram Chanrai Group supports Child's Dream in its belief that the needs of children and youth should always beat the centre of their activities, and in turn that the aim is to benefit the whole community.

Allevating povert through sustainable liveliehoods.
Kewalram Chanrai Group is a sponsor of LEAP, a Singpaore-based non-profit organisation that aims to reduce poverty in Indochina. Focused mainly on Cambodia and Myanmar, their aim is to help lift people in rural communities above the US$2-a-day poverty line by catlysing projects that allow rural populations to develop earnings capacity and become self-reliant.
By hand picking projects that are effective and sustainable, they empower communities to break free of the poverty cycle, becoming economically and socially self-reliant. The communitiies that are no longer dependent on handouts or help, that have the means and konw-how to supply sufficient food for the whole society, that have the right and power to determine their own destinies, are their mesure of success.

Providing education and social assistance for needy residents.
The Teck Ghee Community Centre has been a pillar of Ang Mo Kio and plays an important role in supporting the local community across a wide range of areas including health, recreation, education, sports and support for the needy. We have made a one time donation to the Community Development, Welfare and Building Fund (CDWBF) which is raising funds to provide assistance to meritorious students who need help with their education, and to provide financial and social support for needy residents.
The CDWBF is also responsible for funding the community share of the upgrading, extension and renovation of the Community Centre's buildings aside from those items that are funded by the People's Association. Through our donation, Kewalram Chanrai Group is supporting the CDWBF and the work of the TGCC in promoting social cohesion, racial harmony and civic responsibility.

Creating family entrepreneurs, turning rural skills into jobs.
India is home to more undernourished and impoverished children than anywhere in the world and Africa faces immense challenges too. This is particularly true of Kenya where half of Kenyans live below the poverty line. Malnutrition, particularly among children, is rife, with dire consequences for health. A secondary school education costs 12 to 20 times as much as the monthly income of parents in rural areas, leaving secondary school out of reach for the poorest families.
Our goal is to help change this and create a whole class of family entrepreneurs who can afford to pay for their children’s health and education. Hand in Hand helps turn their skills and potential into jobs so they can find a way up and out of poverty.
Kewalram Chanrai Grouphas chosen Hand in Hand as a partner NGO because they already have expert teams and well-established processes for entrepreneurial training and credit in place in East Africa and India, both regions that matter to us.