
SUTD AY 2023

SUTD Scholarship for Women (Singapore Citizens)

This Scholarship is available to outstanding full-time female undergraduates pursuing the SUTD Honours and Research Programme (SHARP), SUTD-Duke-NUS Special Track, r SUTD Technology Entrepreneurship Programme (STEP) at SUTD.

Currently, we have

-Ms Jolyn Chen, Freshmore, Grade-free system at Year 1

“Your scholarship not only supports my education but also inspires me to give back. Through YEAH!, I am learning how to pay it forward and be a positive influence, just as you have been for me.”

-Ms Raina Luke, Freshmore, Grade-free system at Year 1

“I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the scholarship, as it has enabled me to pursue my dreams to my greatest potential… I am especially enjoying my SUTD Honours and Research Programme (SHARP) classes, which is what I most looked forward to prior to starting university.”